I scoured the web for great deals, coupon codes, promotional codes, refurbished, used, and cheapest Nintendo Wii Systems for my nephews. Not much luck. The best money saving deal of the week was eBay. I did find some great deals on the eBay Wii. I managed to get one for $222 plus shipping that included 11 VC games. That one is unavailable now, but here are two other good deals:
Here is a list of everything that is included:
- Wii system in original box with all original packaging
- 1 Wii Remote
- 1 Nunchuck
- 1 Classic Controller (For VC Games - not shown but included)
- Original power supply
- Original composite A/V cable
- System stand
- 4 Virtual Console Games:
- Mario Kart 64
- Super Mario World (SNES)
- Waverace 64 (N64)
- Super Mario Bros. 1 (NES)
(1) Boxed Nintendo Wii Game System
- Nintendo Wii Console
- Wii Remote Controller
- Wii Nunchuk Controller
- Sensor Bar
- AV Cables and Power Adapter
- console stand
- Wii Sports with 5 Game (Tennis, Baseball, Bowling, Boxing, Golf.)
- no safty strap
You may want to check out Amazon's deals as well:
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