A variety of awesome coupons and deals can be found on Twitter by following other Twitter people or searching CouponTweet.com. You will need a Twitter account for this. For those of you who don’t know, Twitter is similar to a blogging arena for everyone. Everyone can make short comments for links, articles, what happens when they brush their teeth, who walks the dog, etc. You must sign up in order to follow these people’s comments and make some of your own. Click here to create your own Twitter account.
Once your account is created, sign in and start finding people to follow. If you just want to create a coupon account, search Twitter users for user with coupon, coupons, or discount(s) as a user name. There will be many options to choose from. Pick a few or a hundred to follow.
Navigate back to your homepage and start viewing the goodies. Tweets will come in the next few minutes, hours, and days about discounts, coupons, and coupon codes. Another Twitter option is CouponTweet.com.
CouponTweet.com is in the beta stages, but this new coupons site for tweeters has lots of potential. Browse categories including all, apparel, cell phones, computers and electronics. Old Navy, GAP, and Footlocker are some of the vendors featured in the apparel section. Dell, Best Buy, and Logitech are featured in the computers and electronics section. GoDaddy coupons can even be found in the web hosting section. This is one of the most complete coupon listing sites on the Internet, and a very valuable way of finding online coupons. There is also a search section where you can search for items by keyword, store name, or category. Twitter is an excellent coupon database because the coupons are all linked together in one page with easy to follow links. You may also choose to follow CouponTweet.com as well. Have fun tweeting!